Reservoir Engineering & Modelling
Reservoir Engineering
IBIS Energy has many years of combined experience and has carried out number of studies ranging from single well valuation to field appraisal and development, our reservoir engineering services are as follow:
- Gas deliverability studies
- Wellhead compression studies
- Pipeline compression studies
- Pipeline capacity studies
- Operating problems
- Fluid characterization
- Well test planning, on-site monitoring and interpretation
- Horizontal and multi-lateral well studies
- Hydrocarbon resource and reserve estimation
- Single well analytical models
- Rate transient analysis (RTA)
- Reservoir surveillance programs
- Rock and fluid analyses , rock typing and EOS characterisation
Reservoir Modelling
IBIS Energy experts carried out reservoir modelling studies (Analytical and numerical) for our Australian and overseas clients, our detail services are as follow:
- Black oil, compositional reservoir simulation
- Full scale and sector dynamic modelling
- Model Calibration and forecasting
- Production optimisation
- IOR/EOR design and surveillance
- Reserve estimation
- Uncertainty analyses