Who We Are

We are a consulting firm that specializes in the upstream sector of the Oil & Gas industry. We serve Australian and international major operators, national companies and junior E&Ps in designing and managing their assets. IBIS Energy and its consultants has executed studies in Australia, India, Middle East and Asia.

IBIS Energy Services

IBIS Energy major services are as follow:

  • Integrated subsurface modelling
  • Reserve and resource assessment and economic evaluation
  • Engineering analysis
  • Petrophysical studies
  • Geophysical Studies
  • Geological Studies
  • Economic Modelling
  • Training and seminars
  • Drilling and completion studies and operation supervision

IBIS Energy has the most knowledgeable and experienced staff of professionals in the oil and gas consulting business. Its staff members use state-of-the-art petroleum software technology, as well as internal proprietary software, to meet the challenges of specific reservoirs and reservoir types

IBIS Energy major services are as follow:

  • Integrated subsurface modelling
  • Reserve and resource assessment and economic evaluation
  • Engineering analysis
  • Petrophysical studies
  • Geophysical Studies
  • Geological Studies
  • Economic Modelling
  • Training and seminars
  • Drilling and completion studies and operation supervision

IBIS Energy has the most knowledgeable and experienced staff of professionals in the oil and gas consulting business. Its staff members use state-of-the-art petroleum software technology, as well as internal proprietary software, to meet the challenges of specific reservoirs and reservoir types

Our Values

We believe in corporate sustainability; This belief is the foundation of a strategy that shapes the way we conduct business and the manner we engage with our clients.

Our Values

We believe in corporate sustainability; This belief is the foundation of a strategy that shapes the way we conduct business and the manner we engage with our clients.

Our Services

Subsurface Characterization

IBIS Energy experts executed variety of studies, few are: Seismic interpretation services, 2D and 3D seismic studies…

Reservoir Engineering & Modelling

IBIS Energy has many years of combined experience and has carried out number of studies ranging from single well valuation…

Integrated Production Modelling & Optimisation

IBIS Energy production team has extensive experience in delivering high quality…

Reserves Evaluation Services

Reserves evaluation is the process of forecasting estimated petroleum volumes, often called future production profiles…

Storage Services ( UGS, CCS etc )

IBIS Energy has been involved in CCS projects in Australia with major focus on subsurface modelling and forecasting of scenarios…

Well Engineering Services

IBIS Energy well engineering expert design, plan and manage all types of exploration, production, storage and disposal wells for…